Sunday, October 7, 2007

Titus 'Tocks Update

Thank you for all your purrs and purrayers the last couple of days. My 'tocks seem to be better. I didn't have to go to the V-E-T yesterday. But Mom's watching me like a hawk and if I get the squirts again then I have to go in. :( But we are all truly convinced that all the purrs and pawsitive thoughts and purrayers did the trick. Cats truly do rock!

See you all tomorrow!


  1. Feel 100% real soon. Digestive issues are no fun.

  2. Hi, Titus, buddy! I'm so glad yur tocks are bettur and you don't hafta go to the vet!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  3. Hi, Earl Grey!

    Oh man, buddy -- I'm so glad to hear you knew I was a dude! That makes me grin from ear to ear. And isn't that a hoot that Mao and Marilyn were trying to fix us up -- haha! And my sympathies that your Mom almost pegged you for a girl, too.

    Dorydoo does think you're very handsome -- she just told me so!

    And yeah, it sure does feel good to be back to my Alpha Mancat duties -- if on a limited basis yet. But things are going to get better and better! I've got to keep taking my meds, but I'll take them like a Mancat!

    Happy Sunday, Furry Kids!

    Rumbly purrs from Brainball.

  4. *smiles* at Earl Grey. Happy Sunday to you, handsome!

  5. Titus, I am so relieved to hear that your 'tocks (*giggling* at that word) are better and that you don't have to go to the vet. I hope you keep feeling better and better!

    And Earl Grey -- *giggle*, *giggle*, *giggle* -- I have one word about trying to set you up with Brainball, and that's OOPSIE! **smile**

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

  6. Titus, I'm so happy that you are feeling better and thus, no vet! I truly hate going to the vet! Here's some more purrs that you feel even better!

    Purrrrrs, Willow

  7. I'm glad you're doing better, Titus. Oh, and my mom gets the biggest kick out of "'tocks"--she's a little weird.

  8. Yay! This is really good news.

  9. Hey Titus, we just heard you were feeling a little under the weather. I hope you feel all better really soon. We'll purr for you!


    PS. Thanks for coming to leave a nice message when Whisper had to go to the Bridge.

  10. Titus, I am glad you are doing better! Unfortunately, my new food doesn't seem to be working, so I'll probably have to go back to the vet later this week.

  11. Hey Titus I hope your tummy feels better soon!

  12. Diamond here - Dude, I hope that you are all better and don't have to go to the vet!


Thanks fur stopping by!