Here's 13 thoughts I've been thinking since *last* Thursday.
1. I heard The Mom say that the
VICIOUS AND RABID GOLDEN RETRIEVERS are moving away. Whew! The neighborhood will be safe again without that
HORRIBLE BAND OF VICIOUS AND RABID GOLDEN RETRIEVERS ROAMING the streets. VICIOUSLY . 2. Banana-flavored medicine and chicken-flavored medicine do not taste like bananas OR chicken. They taste like a word that I'm not allowed to say. (Dear Aunt Bee, if you want me to send my clavamox to you for Sarge, then I'm on it. It's a banana-flavored antibiotic, and it may give him the squirts, just to let you know. But I'd be happy to
pawn it off on Sarge mail it to you.)
3. It's kinda fun to watch The Mom "dig for treasures" in the litterbox every day.
4. Woman! If you take a picture of me as an "EG-burrito/Tiny One Week Old Baby", I just might claw your eyes out. And the fact that you give me a big, old smooch on the top of the head every time DOES NOT MAKE IT ANY LESS EMBARRASSING. (The Mom's note: He just looks soooo cute all wrapped up in the towel we have to use to give him his meds. It's just so adorable. I just know that Dorydoo would love to see a picture of him. )
5. ::singing:: A HANDFUL (
hint, hint The Mom) of greenies makes the medicine go down, the medicine go down-wown, the medicine go down...
6. I'm looking into the evil twin thing. You know, like
Mr Hendrix has Bendrix. But I'm having trouble coming up with a name for him. Then again, I do have a real twin sister. Hmmm. Why didn't I think of that before? I could just blame everything on Tazo *and* get her to take my medicine for me. heh heh Then again, I'm not sure she's got that "evil twin" look about her. Anybody have any suggestions?
7. If you look really pathetic, The Mom will drop everything and give you lots of attention. And then you can give her the bitey with a side of bunnykicking.
8. I have not had stinky goodness since June 22. That should be a crime. I'm totally jonesin' for some Grammy's Pot Pie. To add insult to injury, The Mom even stopped making boiled burger or chicken and rice for me. What the paw?????
9. I just can't get a good "dig to China" thing going in the stoopid, new litterboxes The Mom insists on using. We did luck out on the Breeze Box thing here. The Mom was considering it, but the whole 'tocks issue + pellets really creeped her out. Whew! We dodged that one for sure!
10. My name is Earl Grey NOT Errol Grey.
11. It's super fun to watch The Mom freak out when I pretend to eat out of the litterbox. heh heh
12. We got Titus used to waking up at 4:37 am and now we can sleep in. He gets everyone up at 4:37 am and then The Mom gets crabby at his good two shoes self, instead of me.
13. What, The Mom? I am *not* crabby.
In other news, Aunt Jen got to go home yesterday! Wahoo! Your purrs really worked. She still has her infection, but it's lots better. She can't get her chemo next week like her doctor planned, but she does get to stay home, hang with her kitty, Molly, and hopefully grow some more white blood cells. Thanks again for the awesome purrs!