We've had a busy week around here. Here's 13 miscellaneous things that have happened:
1. Last weekend, we all got 'tocks troubles again. hee hee
2. On Monday, we all had to go to the V-E-T. You should've seen it. Mama had two cat carriers and Titus on a leash. Normally, Daddy goes with her if more than one of us has to go, but he couldn't this time. She doesn't recommend doing this by yourself. But we were all super good, so it worked out. She did have to take a nap when we got home though.
3. At the V-E-T, Titus got a ::whispers::
rectal exam. He doesn't want to talk about it. But Mama says that Dr P says that his 'tocks felt ok. (As a side note, Mama and Dr P both kept apologizing to him, but he wasn't buying it. hee hee) EG and I only had to supply a sample (which Mama collected at home) for a very special test. The technical name is a
diarrhea panel super special parasitic poo test. Because our poo is super special.
4. We had no internets for a squillion days, so the cable guys came out to check it. Daddy thought that maybe somekitty (NOT ME!!!) had chewed something again, but it turns out the problem was at the pole outside. They fixed up our internets and now we can visit all of our friends again (if Mama cooperates).
5. I, Tazo, have been hiding under the cedar chest a lot this week. In addition to the askeery cable guys tromping through the house, there's also been a askeery guy working on the floor in one of the bedrooms. Daddy says he's super nice and has kitties of his own, but I'm not buying it.
6. EG has been snoopervising all the activity in the house this week. He was pretty pleased with the work of the cable guys. He would've done some stuff a little differently, like maybe chased some birdies in the yard or climbed a tree instead of walking straight to the utility pole in the back yard. But overall, he says they did a good job.
7. Here's EG checking out the floor guy's work. I am a little hesitant because I think that the askeery floor guy might still be in there. But he wasn't.

Here's a picture of the new floor. Please excuse the ugly pipe. Daddy will put the cover back on sometime soon. Mama is very excited about the floor. She really likes it. She thinks it's a huge improvement over the ugly linoleum that was in there before.

8. We've been getting a yucky, probiotic paste twice a day, every day this week. It's supposed to get squirted in our mouths, but Mama has given up and just smeared it on our feets. We think it's rude. Mama keeps telling us that it doesn't taste too bad (because she got to taste it involuntarily - hee hee!), but we're not buying it.
9. We got the results of our
diarrhea panel super special parasitic poo test. We have giardia. Mama is very relieved that we have a diagnosis, yet very sad that she has to continue to scrub the litterboxes every day. And give us medicines. Twice a day. Hahahahahaha! Titus' 'tocks test was negative but he's being treated for giardia, too, because he probably has it from when he went litterbox surfing a couple of weeks ago.
10. Daddy keeps saying that we have the
G*hirardelli squirts instead of the H*ershey squirts. Hahahahahaha!
11. Mama got to laugh and laugh at Dr P last night when Dr P told her to use plastic litter box liners so that she didn't have to scrub out the litterboxes every day. Mama told her that she can't use the liners because EG eats them. Dr P started laughing and agreed that Mama shouldn't use them because she doesn't want EG to have more tummy surgery. hee hee
12. Mama broke down last night and bought a package of cardboardy litterbox liners. She's hoping that we cooperate. We may, or we may not. Stay tuned.
Here is a picture of me helping Mama with litterbox
doody duty. EG says I don't quite have the right idea. You mean these boxes aren't for sleeping?

13. Mama has been apologizing to me this week because everyone at the V-E-T keeps pronouncing my name wrong. Mama keeps telling them it's "TAH zoh" like taco with a "z" but they keep saying it with a short a sound like in taxi or worse yet, "TEH zoh." That one made Daddy giggle a little bit. I don't care what they call me as long as I don't have to go back there for a long, long time.
Happy Thursday!