Monday, March 25, 2013

Mancat Monday

The Mom was tired and cold this weekend, so we did a ton of snoozing in the big chair.  It was pretty awesome.  I even threw in some purrs to amp up the mancatliness.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Mancat Monday

These are my feetsprints.  OUTSIDE.  I'm not allowed outside.  But The Mom knows that I like snow and figured that we probably wouldn't be getting any more snows this year, so it would be my last time to check out the snow for the season.  So she letted me go outside.  Dad carried me out and put me on the patio.  I stood there for a little bit and then started watching some stuff in the yard and The Mom freaked out and asked Dad to bring me back in.  It was the best 37 seconds of freedom that I've ever had.

Mancat Rule of the Day:  If you have big, mancatly feets, it's very manly to make feetsprints in the snow whenever you get a chance.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tazo Tuesday

Here I am taking a snooze on Mama last night.  Since I am a Daddy's girl, I spend most of my free time napping on Daddy.  But when he's not home, I'll use Mama's lap.  I always pick the time when she has to use the litterbox really bad but she doesn't want to move because she doesn't want to wake me up since I don't grace her with my presence very often. So she tries to pet me to maybe get me to wake up and then I just start purring and purring which really makes her feel bad.  So I lay there with my eyes closed and purring like crazy and she's stuck there.  MOL