Friday, January 25, 2008

Froot Bat Friday

Froot Bat ears are only at half mast today. EG put the bitey on them last night. He got in trouble, but I'm not taking any chances today. I'm gonna just lay low.


  1. Oh no Titus! You look so sad. :( We are sorry to hear that EG put the bitey on your ears. :( That doesn't sound nice at all. Hopefully it was just an accident.

  2. Bad EG, he is lucky you don't put the bitey on him. Doesn't he know that it's better to kiss a woofie? We like to lick our woofie's ears. We can practically put our whole faces in there.

  3. awwww Titus, that's horrible. EG, why are you putting the bitey on Titus' ears?

  4. Awww Titus....was it actually a love bite? I hope so!

  5. Oh Titus, that was not nice of EG. We hope he says he is sorry soon.

  6. Titus, I am wondering, do you ears taste like tuna or something? Maybe that's why EG has to put the bitey on them!

  7. Poor Titus. You look so depressed. :(

  8. Titus, you have good control over your ears! I am sorry you got the bitey on your ears. That sounds very hurty.

  9. Ooops, Earl Grey is in trouble again. Will he be calling your Mum "That Lady" again?

  10. That sounds like a good idea. I think laying low is sometimes the best option. Can I join you?


  11. Oh, Titus! I'm so sorry EG putted the bitey on yur ears. You look furry sad!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  12. Oh, poor Titus. EG, I think you might have upset Titus a little by putting the bitey on his ears.

    Why don't you come on over and have a snuggle with me? I understand -- sometimes I get a little crabby with MaoMao, even though we love each other very much and are great friends.

    Whiskie-kisses to you, handsome!

    Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.

  13. Aww, I hope your frootbat ears feel better now!

  14. Ear bitey = Sad Titus
    Hope you can proudly show your froot bat ears at full mast soon!

  15. Uh uh - biting ear's - that is not good.
    But I guess it can be fun, right???

  16. We love to whap Georgie's ears, but we get yelled at if we whap too hard! Actually Pearl likes to aim for the nose (easier to get than the ears sometimes).

    Hi Tazo! Hope you're giving extra love to Titus so he fells better.


  17. Oh we have missed some funny posts and good photos this week, dang that Mosaic Lazy! Lady.
    Mosaic Dawg is a little grossed out by Titus' snack habits and toes, frankly, but you know how easy it is to change men with your love. ("Heelers That Love Too Much" we think is the book title.)
    Anyway, MD is posting a meme tomorrow! Her first. Diamond Doggy tagged her, and she is tagging Titus. But you've got time. She's still writing it. She's slooooow.

  18. Titus, are you feeling better, yet? I am worried about you. You need to bounce back. Do you want me to come over and play with you? I can do that as everyone is going to the recital today.


  19. Even tho you are a woofie, we stand by our No Big Bitey Rule.

  20. Titus I bets if you gave EG a HUGE lick on the face, EG just may leave you alones! Just makes sure its a good long wet one too!

  21. you need a nice pair of earmuffs to protect your frootbat ears! maybe bite EG on the ears to let him know how it feels! x

  22. Oh dear....hide those fwoot bat ears up well!

  23. Important things are happening at my blog! I asked the question....


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