Friday, January 18, 2008

Favorite Feets Foto & Froot Bat Friday

Mom was looking through some pictures and ran across this one. It's one of her favorites. She says that if you put your face right up to the monitor, you can almost smell the fritos. heh Plus she likes that one giant tuft of furs that looks all swoopy.

And here's my Froot Bat contribution:


  1. Titus, you feet are very cool, and of course your frootbat ears are wonderful. :)

    We hope you and the twins have a good weekend! :)

  2. Cute toes and ears Titus. You've got fruitbat claws too, hehe:) xxx

  3. Titus, Mosaic Dawg has a little secret surprise for you on our blog today!

  4. Titus, you are a handsome doggie as always. I know MD sure thinks so!

  5. um, your feets is made of fritos? that's weird.

  6. Heehee, lookin' good, Titus! Coco has tufty paws, too--Momma's always trying to cut her feet furs so that she doesn't get snowball in her paws.
    Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

  7. I guess that makes them Fri-Toes!

  8. Isn't Daisy funny???
    BTW, I hear love is in the air!!!

  9. Ahhhhh, Titus is so cute and he has such sweet paws.

    I see that the Mosaic Dawg Leah has a crush on you : )

  10. We like your tufty toes and your toe furrs looks all silvery.

  11. Titus, you have magnificent feets!


  12. Ohhhhh, D-A-W-G toezez & feets! I yam quite impressed by dis pic. I don't tink I haz evfur seen a D-A-W-G so close up, particulaly one wit nailz. Doez you evfur gets doze pollysheeshed? Purple would be a good color to try. Mebbe evfun pink.

  13. I wove your fwootbat ears Titus!

  14. Happy Frootbat Friday, Titus! You are the purrfect Doggie Frootbat.

    And please tell EG I'm sending him whiskie kisses... and that I tagged him for a meme! I bet he'll have a lot of fun with this one ... to use his expression: Heh heh!!

    Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.

  15. Hi Fuwwy kids!
    Titus..I love fwito toes! and those tufts awe vewy nice!..what's a fwoot bat??you look like a gowgeous doggie to me!
    Thank you fow youw good wishes fow Mommi..I'm nuwsing hew
    smmoochie kisses

  16. That is a great pic of your paws!!

  17. those are some nice toes! look at the furs all sticking out! :)
    cute x


Thanks fur stopping by!