So here's the deal. I helped EG have Last Friday, when That Dad Type Guy camed home, I helped him sneak out the door. (I would've gone myself, but I was afraid that That Dad Type Guy would notice my cape whipping past him. It's quite difficult to be inconspicuous with a cape, let me tell you.) Anyway, That Woman and That Dad Type Guy were preoccupied with their broken cold box thingy, so they didn't notice that EG was missing. That Woman was wondering where EG was when the cold box thingy was pulled out to reveal the marvelous stash of milk jug rings and jingle balls - that's not the kind of thing that he'd miss. But she figured he might've needed a little alone time like he does most evenings and didn't think any more about it. But then That Dad Type Guy lefted to go pick up a pizza and That Woman noticed that EG wasn't hanging around like he usually does and he wasn't having alone time in his alone time spot. So she did a quick check of all of our (mine and EG's) hidey spots. He wasn't in any of them. Here comes the best part. She freaked right out. She was running around the house, looking under all kinds of furniture, opening the door to the Forbidden Room, rattling the treat bag, and dropping treats all over the house. It.was.awesome. Finally, she got really freaked out and started crying and ran outside. She called for EG and ran around the corner of the house and there he was, doing just what I told him to do - acting all calm, cool, and collected.** So That Woman was crying and carrying on and acting all a fool. She carried him in the house and gave him lots of hugs (the horror!) and kisses (more horror!). We all did score some treats, too, but only after we had to listen to another lecture on not running out the door when That Dad Type Guy isn't looking. About how it's better to be inside and fat than outside and flat. About how Outside can be dangerous for kittehs - we could have a run in with those vicious, rabid, golden retrievers again, or get sucked into that Hairy Tazo's street gang. Blah, blah, blah. I was just proud of my boy, EG, for getting to taste freedom for those few minutes. The fresh air, the grass under his feets. I hope he eated some rabbit poo from the yard, too. My boy done good. Til next time, kittehs.
**The Mom's note: EG wasn't all that calm, cool, and collected. He was pretty freaked out. In fact, he ran right over to me and practically jumped into my arms and his little heart was racing. But I didn't tell Hurl Grey that - I gotta protect my Grey Baby's rep, you know.
Oh dear, oh my! Anything but the vicious, rabid, Golden Retrievers!!!
ReplyDeleteI am glad EG is OK!
What an adventure!
ReplyDeleteThat's what woo get fur being a khurious khytty!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Titus...I guess we need to implement Plan B now!
Anything that disrupts my normal day is very scary to me. Glad all is ok now.
Oh my goodness, that is enough to give me a heart attack. EG, seriously, don't do that again. It's not good to freak the beans out.
Hurl Grey, you're bad!
Mom would freak out too, she always sides with your Mom... sigh.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I guess I agree with inside and fat.
rabbit poo... hehehe.
ReplyDeleteWhat Mom? Oh... sorry. EG, you must stop listening to that wickedly mischievous HG and darting outside like that!
Hi my old buddies!! How are you doing?! I am back now and I have a new blog - please pop by and visit me and my new (big) brother if you get a chance. I have missed you!
oh my what a advenchur! EG you should stay inside, it's really not nice to make the mom's cry. if only becuase they slobber all ofur you.
ReplyDeleteWow that was a fur raising adventure for EG. Our Mom and Dad are too careful so we never get to escape!
ReplyDeleteWell Hurl, it appears you were able to sneak EG out of the house without anyone noticing. Luckily you were also there to watch over him and return him home safely.
ReplyDeleteHurl, it's really not nice to make EG's mom all upset. After all, don't you get food from her, too?
ReplyDeleteJust reading that story made my paws get all sweaty!
ReplyDeleteOur hearts were racing just reading the story! Meowm remembers the horror of me escaping all to well. We are all glad E.G. is safe and back where he belongs.~~Junior
ReplyDeleteEG needs to be a good kitty and not scare the Mom like that. Glad all is under control now.
ReplyDeletewoos, the OP Pack
Mom here would freak out too... We live very close to some very busy streets!
ReplyDeleteOh wowie kazowie, Hurl -- that's some derring do! I try to door dart but so far I haven't managed to get outside but I keep tryin...
ReplyDelete(*ahem*, Mom here. Mao, you do NOT go out. Period.) I was sayin, Moms. What are ya gonna do?
(*ahem*, Mom here again. I'm sending EG's mom great big hugs! I just about had a conniption looking for Dorydoo about a week ago -- turns out she was deep in one of her hidey holes and being a little black cat, I just didn't see her in the dark of the closet, but ACK... and bless sweet EG's heart.)
There Mom goes with that mushy Mom talk again. Hurl, you're a real daredevil!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
p.s. - We're havin to give Dorydoo smellin salts. She fainted readin yur story, but she's comin to, now, and she's sendin EG lots and lots and lots of love and whiskie kissies!
Our late Pooh Bear got out one time ... we found her later on the porch, meowing to come back inside. It's a scary world beyond the front door!