Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Titus, Tired Tazo, Twins, & Tummy Toesday

Titus here: For all those who asked, EG had a couple of crushes, but those fine lady cats were already taken. So he decided he's not asking any one out any more. He's just waiting for volunteers. *rolling eyes*


Thank you to KC and the Cat Blogosphere for letting us use this awesome picture!


  1. Dats a really good tummy picture. Our woofie won't let us get quite that close, but we're working on him.

  2. That's a real tummy indeed! It looks comfy but I'd be worried about woofie smells. Don't they get in the way of cat smells?


  3. That is a wonderful pictures~!!!!
    I really love the pose you did! You are so brave to me, But I know you are very comfy with Titus.

  4. Great tummy picture. Everybody looks so comfortable. Just hanging around - laid back - loving life.

    Midnite & Stray Kitty

  5. Very cute tummy Tazo. :) Earl Grey, I had crushes on a few cats too, but I lucked out and have a wonderful girlfriend in Stella. :) I hope you find the right cat for you. :)

  6. Thank you so much for the happy birthday wishes! I feel very special and happy today. I think this is the best day I ever had!

  7. Tazo, you look very very funny there with Titus. You are sooo lucky to have a doggie brother.

  8. What an adorable pickshure of you, Titus and Tazo! You two look so comfy and cozy and ultra-relacksed.

    And huggies to Earl Grey -- he's such a handsum mancat. Tell him I have two sisturs who are single, Brainball and Dorydoo, and they both think he's furry handsum, hehe!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  9. That is a great tummy shot. I'm sure all the girlcats will love that picture. I know Lucy does. Great picture of you and Titus.

  10. What a great tummy picture. Too bad about EG, but never worry,t he right one will come along, just you wait and see.


  11. that's such a great pikshur!!

    EG, we saw that MaoMao saided his sisfurs were single - they is bof HOT!

  12. Awwww, what an adorable picture of Titus and Tazo, hanging out and being relaxed! I love Tazo's Monty.

    And Earl Grey, you are a very sweet and handsome mancat! You will find Miss KittyRight, I have no doubt *smile*.

    And as MaoMao said, both Brianball and Dorydoo -- my dear sisters -- are both single girls, and oh my goodness, are their personalities ever different: Brainball's very beautiful and tough, a big Amazon Alpha girlcat; and Dorydoo's sleek and delicate and lovely, and very very brainy.

    Oh my, I'm such a matchmaker... *smile*!

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

  13. We love that tummy picture. You all look a bit zonked out, or is it afternoon nap? Don't give up the search Earl Grey, there's more lady cats out there.

    Moe & Mindy

  14. That picture is too cute!

  15. i am laffin an laffin at dat grate tummy shot!

  16. Ummm, Earl Grey? It's me again, Marilyn... goodness, here I go matchmaking again... but I have another sister who I would dearly love to see happy, with a loving and handsome mancat. And she isn't one of my sisters who live at home. She's my sister here on the Blogosphere, a sister of my heart and spirit.

    I'm talking about the very beautiful Miss Peach. She is so sweet and lovely, and so talented and fun, and she and I are true sisters-in-spirit... you might go calling on her. Brainball and Dorydoo would understand -- they are happy to admire you from afar -- and in the meantime, there is a lovely, gracious, gentle ladycat who needs a wonderful mancat in her life.

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn! *big smile*

  17. Hi Earl Grey, ConCatulations you are the Tuxedo Gang Hideout Member of the Day for Wednesday.
    The Tuxedo Gang Hideout Staff and Samantha

  18. Tazo, you apparently have the same funny sleeping position as Arthur my white cat, lol !

  19. Yuze could run a dating competition and get the catbloggers to vote, who should be your girlfriend!!

    Great tummy picture.

    Poppy Q

  20. That's some lovely cat tummy you've got showing! :)

  21. awwwww....lookit' that lovely photo! Terrific tummy and Doggy butt picture. EG - you should have NO problem getting a gal cat - you is a looker!

  22. Love that floofy tummy! It looks like you're stuck too! heeheehee!

  23. Look at that TUMBLY! All ready for snorgles!!! Look out, here comes Maw!

    We are very glad that you guys aren't allowed outside. Only in your stroller. So much safer for you.

    Luf, Us


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