Friday, July 27, 2007

Froot Bat Friday - Pink Eared Edition

This one's for you, Daisy. I think it shows off my pink ears quite nicely.

PS - Mom would like to thank you all for your suggestions for the question she asked on Tuesday. You know, the one that's the big birthday secret and everything? Anyway, she's been trying out the suggestions and well, there's probably going to be a post or two about it next week. The flashy box has been out A LOT this week. And there's been lots of giggling at Earl Grey, too. heh heh


  1. Titus! Hooray! I get to see your pretty pink ears. I mean, your handsome, manly pink ears.

    I am looking forward to seeing pictures about the ::secret:: surprise.

  2. Titus, your ears are beautiful! I have pink ears too. We could be related.
    You are the nicest doggie we have ever known!

    happy day
    Purrs, Princess

  3. hehehe, Titus, you make a great frootbat woofie!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  4. Titus makes a delightful frootbat!

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

  5. Yer such a Froobat! Look at dem ears! I wish I had a dawg!

  6. Gorgeous frootbat ears - great picture!

  7. Titus, your pink ears are wonderful!! Just like ours, in fact!

    ~Donny and Marie

  8. He really is a pink-earned frootbat, isn't he?

  9. Yourrr earrrs arrre cute and yes that is a good shot to rrreprrresent an albino frrroot bat. In rrresponse to the comment you left on my bloggie--Bailey usually gets rrrevenge on Kona when they come into the house. Bailey is highly agile and athletic, not to mention tiny and can out manueverrr Kona. Howeverrr, Kona is fasterrr now--but unless you want a mad bull crrrashing thrrrough yourrr house--theirrr time is limited indoorrr, and they must rrrough house outside. Bailey is most often the Chasee. Kona rrruns with herrr mouth wide open too!

  10. Those are HUGE frootbat pink ears!!!

    Thank you for your kind words for our Dorfie.

    Luf, Us

  11. Wow, Titus, we didn't know that you were a frootbat until today! That's a very nice picture of you!

    Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow


Thanks fur stopping by!