Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Mancat Monday
Friday, March 27, 2009
Froot Bat Friday
About 30 seconds before this shot was taken, I was doing the "most cutest, most froot battiest froot bat" Mom had seen in a long time. She ran to get the flashy box and by the time she came back, I was over it. hehe
Happy Weekend everybuddy!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tazo Tuesday
This is the new box that Mama gotted for me. It's super comfy. After the weekend we had, I'm just going to stay in here until it's safe.
I'm kinda in the mood to tattle tail a little, so here I go:
First, Mama has been coughing and coughing. None of us are getting very much sleep. It's really annoying. If we don't get a full 21 hours of sleep every day, we don't function very well. Yesterday, she was coughing so much that her boss gave her some cough drops. hee hee Mama says she cannot help it that she comes from a family of bad lungs.
Second, Mama was snoozing on the couch on Friday morning (since Hurl Grey gotted her up at 230 am). Daddy was going to be super sweet and bring her a cup of coffee and wake her up. Except he tripped over Hurl Grey and spilled the coffee on the couch. And Mama. Oops. hee hee
Finally, the best part happened yesterday. Yesterday, Hurl Grey gotted Mama up at 3 am. Then again at 5 am. Then he stayed up instead of letting her take a nap until the alarm went off. Then he crawled under the couch and pretended to get stuck under there. He cried and cried like a little girl. So Mama had to go get Daddy to help her tip the couch over to free Hurl Grey. As soon as Daddy went back to bed, Hurl Grey crawled right back under the couch. So Mama locked Titus and me in the bedroom with Daddy. It was not fun but she said it was easier to wrangle the couch and just one Furry Kid that to have us all under there in danger of being smooshed.
So Mama tipped the couch over and noticed that a big hole had been clawred or chewed in the felty part that's tacked to the bottom. So she took some scissors and cut the whole thing off. Then she noticed that there were a lot of treasures under there. Like milk jug rings and jingle balls and trash and crumbs. So she cleaned that out, too, so that
Monday, March 23, 2009
Mancat Monday
Um, Dorydoo, do you want to go to the celebration with me?
This is a picture of me in the Forbidden Room. It is forbidden because it is super unfinished. See those rusty metal icky things that my box is on? Very dangerous. Yet very manly. I like to sneak in there when The Mom isn't looking and look around. And chill in the box. It's super manly, you know.
In other, super manly news, our Aunt Liz came over on Saturday. She petted me and scritched my ears and admired my mancatliness. I didn't put the bitey on her at all. The Mom seemed to notice this and gotted all bent out of shape for some reason. "Why can't I scritch your ears? Why can't I rub your belly without getting bunnykicked? Why can't I admire your feets without getting the bitey? Who scoops your litterbox? Who gives you stinky goodness?" The Mom is a whiner. Whatevs.
In other, other news, me and Dad chilled out all weekend and did manly stuff like watch lots of college basketball. He kinda wants UConn to win the whole thing because their mascot looks like someone in our household:
I think some sort of mancat mascot should win. Because that would be super manly.
I don't have a Mancat Rule of the Day today because I've been too busy mancatting around. I'll have one next week.
Happy Monday! And have a Grey-t Day!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
This award is called the ‘Honest Weblog’ and if you get awarded it you have to post an honest photo and tell your readers 10 honest things about yourself.
It comes with these rules:
“When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows who he or she is. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including ones who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog.” Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on! “
1. Titus loves to eat. (duh)2. EG (or maybe it's Hurl Grey?) gives an overenthusiastic bitey.
3. Titus and EG always sleep in bed with Dad and The Mom. Tazo almost never does.
4. Sometimes Hurl Grey stays up most of the night (only on weeknights, though).
5. EG loves to play in the sink.
6. Tazo and Titus steal food off of any unattended plate. EG doesn't like people food that much.
7. Titus and The Mom have a special thing they do every day. They face each other and Titus puts his head on The Mom's legs and gives her a hug. Then she reaches down and gives him scritches on his back.
8. We get breakfast before The Mom even goes to the bean litterbox room.
9. The Mom has come to count on us as furry alarm clocks.
10. We only let her down once (when we were all sick) and maded her late for work. heh heh
And Titus gotted this award from Cheyenne Millie.
~ Pass it on to furries that do the Hidey .
~ Leave a comment on any of our posts, of the kitty/doggy/bunny/critter that has a pic of their Hidey pose. Mom is listing them at the top right of our bloggy!
We're going to tag:
Titus' Life Coach, Jeter Harris for the hidey part because we saw a picture of him hiding under his brother, Mike's, bed recently.
Diamond Dawggie because he's a good dawg friend to the kittehs at his house
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tired on Tuesday
Well, it was a rough weekend. The Mom camed home on Friday at lunchtime like she always does. Except she stayed home. And she putted on her jammies. And.she.stayed.home. It was weird. It turns out she had some sort of ick. She hacked and coughed and sweated and frozed all weekend. Then she stayed home yesterday, too. While it should have been a great day for cuddling, she had this horrible cough that sounded like she was barking. I thought she was turning into a dawg, so I quit trying to nurse her back to health (one dawg is plenty around here). Even Titus got tired of the barking cough and wouldn't even stay in the same room with her. It was creepy. We're kinda hoping she goes back to work tomorrow - all that barking keeps us awake. And we need our rest.
Oh, and as for yesterday's post? A few of our furriends wanted to know if we had gone strollering. The answer is no. A big, old no. And guess what??? Our stroller has flat tires. All of them. We might need to call Mr TF to come over and pump them up for us.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! We're off to get some Mother's Milk. If we had thumbs. And driver's licenses. And were legal. Dang it.
PS - Do you guys think
Monday, March 16, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Mancat Monday
Mancat Rule of the Day: After you played Alarm Clock Cat from 2 am to 6 am, it's very important to suck up to your The Mom by laying in her lap and looking super cute and showing lots of tummy.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Froot Bat Friday
At least someone around here realizes the importance of looking your best. Thanks, Dad.
Ah, much better.
Hope everybuddy has a fabulous Froot Batty Friday!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Thursday (Way More Than) Thirteen
Here's a LINK in case the slide show isn't working.
Happy Thursday, everybuddy!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tazo Tuesday
It's supposed to warm up on Friday. Wake me up then.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Mancat Monday
So The Mom gave me my favorite toy yesterday - a milk jug ring. Oh, it was heaven. I never get them any more because she has to watch me like a hawk when I play with them (because I chew them up) and she's generally too lazy to watch me for that long. But for some reason, she threw one on the ground for me and I hunted it like nobuddy's business. It was awesome!
Mancat Rule of the Day: When your The Mom gives you a toy that requires adult snoopervision, wait until she forgets about it and then hide it for later. It freaks them out *and* since they can't find it, you get to play with it later - UNsnoopervised. Preferably at 2 am. Oh yeah.