We've got some good stuffs to tattletail about this week. But first, a couple kittehs asked about this guy in Titus' Froot Bat post last week. His name is Marko. Mama gotted him for Daddy for his birthday a squillion years ago. He even lived at their old house. He even lived there before Titus did! He used to be in front of the house (like
Parker's friends, Sigfried & Roy), but there was a rash of lawn cheese thievery in our neighborhood a couple of years ago, so Marko hangs out on the back patio now. He's not usually that snowy, but Daddy threw snow on him with the snow eaty thing and it sort of froze on there. Mama tried to brush it off, but it was too cold out there for her, you know, because she doesn't have cool, speckley furs like me. Now that I'm looking at him, I'm thinking he's got some froot bats going, too. Hmmm.
In other news, I have a couple of things to tattle about. First, Mama letted us run out of stinky goodness. Not because of the snow or anything. Mostly because she didn't feel like going to the store. The horror! Can you imagine? Me and EG don't feel like getting up in the morning to help her get ready for work, but we do it every day. What is with beans? It's like they take and take and take, but there's no give, you know? :sigh:
The second tattley thing is that Titus gotted into our litterboxes again on Friday. And had bad 'tocks trouble :whispers:
in Mama and Daddy's bedroom while they were at work. Daddy felt bad because he's usually home during the day, but that was the one time he wasn't. Mama gotted it cleaned up and begged Titus to talk to
Jeter some more, you know, because Jeter is his life coach and helps him with his
indiscriminant competitive eating problems. Let's all hope that he seeks help. Mama and Daddy's bedroom carpet will never be the same. hee hee
The last tattley thing is that Mama tried for 2-1/2 hours to update the firmware on her camera and gotted so frustrated that she put on her Grinchy jammies and poured a large, adult beverage. Maybe she should talk to Jeter about her "problem" too...
We sure hope things are calmer at everyone else's house.