Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tazo Tuesday

Mama gotted us some cat grass a couple of weeks ago.  She took it to work to help it grow because she thought that we might not leave it alone for the time it took to grow to be nommy.  She was wrong. hee hee I wanted nothing to do with it.  It smelled like OUTSIDE and OUTSIDE is askeery.  I wouldn't even pose next to it for a Tazo Tuesday shot.  I think it might be made of bananers. 

The boys liked it a little better.  EG sniffed it a little and took a small taste.  Titus sniffed it lots and Daddy thought that maybe he was going to "mark" it. hee hee  But he didn't.

Here is a picture of EG tasting it.  Please note the delicious, pink ear in the corner.  Mama giggled lots when she saw that.

Do you guys like cat grass?


  1. I LOVES cat grass! NOM NOM NOM!!! - Sammy

  2. Mmm, cat grass! Annie and Nicki eat it, but Derry not so much. They all seem to prefer the real grass out in our little back space (enclosed), though.

  3. So was EG only pretending interest in the grass so he could get at the delicious pink ears?

    We miss having a photo of you, Tazo!

  4. I've only bought it once and no one was interested. Flowers on the table ... that's a different story. They love to bite & chew those.

  5. I don't like to eat cat grass much but boy is it fun to pull out of it's container and knock dirt everywhere. I LOVE THAT.

  6. We sure do love to eat grass, but we aren't sure if it is cat grass or not. Maybe we need to come by and taste yours:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  7. Mmmm, cat grass and pink ears on the side ...

  8. I do not enjoy cat grass, either. I refuse to eat even a single blade. Harley will mow it down though!

  9. Oooh, cat grass! I haven't had any of that in ages!

  10. We will nibble a blade or two when it is young and tender. But after a few minutes we're done with that. Gandalf and Grayson loves nomming the grass when they were Allowed Outside.

  11. I like to graze on khanine grass with a side of khat!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Titus! I'm not really plukhky yet but she tries anyway!

  12. We have never had cat grass, but we like to eat the grass in the horses fields. Sometimes it makes us barf.

  13. Is that Titus's ear there in the bottom right corner?
    I am quite glad to see you nibbling on cat grass EG -- instead of *eh-hem*

    you know...


  14. We have never had cat grass - we think we would like it but we haven't had the chance to try it. We can understand Tazo's point about it smelling like outside, which is scary. We don't know if we would like that.

  15. Mommy is growing some right now, it's only about an inch high - we will see if we like it in about a week!


Thanks fur stopping by!