Monday, April 2, 2012

Mancat Monday

We gotted a new rug yesterday.  Here I am investigating:

This looks promising

Hmmmm, I'm really liking this one

I approve.

The only thing that would make this better would be a sprinkle of nip.  

Mancat Rule of the Day:  It is very manly to approve all rug purchases.  And get your furs all over everything.  


  1. It's not purrfect til it has your fur all ofur it! A little nip would make the furring easier. MOL!

  2. We, on the other paw, were admiring those perfectly matched white hind paws...

    The Chans

  3. That actually does look quite manly, honey pie. And very self-indulgent. Well, except for the whole no nip part, of course.

  4. It looks like it will meet your approval!

  5. oooooohhh; that looks like one of them sisal rugs all ruff and scratchy. We LOVE those!

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  6. bet its good for scratching
    Benny & Lily

  7. You thoroughly checked that rug out!

  8. The new rug looks like it would make an excellent scratcher, and of course we agree that nip would make it better still.

  9. Yo sure gave that rug a good, through testing! Glad it meets your approval! :)

  10. We agree with your mancat rule! ANd the carpet looks promising with the sun coming in on it!
    Thank you for coming over to offer your kind words of condolence for my beloved Scooby. Only those who know how special it is to share your life with a cat or two, or three...truly understand the grief. Thank you so much!


Thanks fur stopping by!