Monday, March 15, 2010

Mancat Monday

On Friday, which is pizza night, Dad and The Mom were trying to guard their pie against our furry selves.  The Mom ended up lunging after Tazo and her ranch dressing flew all over everything:  Dad, the couch, the carpet, and most importantly, ME.  I didn't realize that she got me until Titus and Tazo started trying to clean me off.  It wasn't pretty for anyone.  Then The Mom grabbed a wet towel and tried to wipe it off.  That didn't go that well for her. heh heh  Anyway, I finally gotted all the ranch off my furs.  And I'll tell you what.  It really brings out the shine.  My furs have never looked so luxurious.  And no, Khyra, no dipping sauce jokes from you!


  1. MOL! Our human could just picture all of that. Heh heh.

  2. Oh that sounds like something our mom would do too! She has spilled stuff on us a couple times - never ranch though! And you are right, Khyra totally would have made a dipping sauce joke!!

  3. har har - our the mom would so totally do stuff like that.

  4. Pizza and entertainment. Sweet.

  5. Well I must say, EG, you are looking rather dapper. Maybe I should try some of that sauce!


  6. You do look a bit shiny today ^,,^

  7. Man--we should all get to bathe ourselves after stuff like that...

  8. Bleu CHEESE would be a good choice too!

    Khyra & Khousin Merdie
    PeeEssWoo: Hi Titus - I hope some of the 'KHLEANING' was fur me too!

  9. Ooooh my mom likes ranch too.
    EG, you do look very shiny!!


  10. Ha Ha - that must have quite the scene to see. We would have been happy to help out with the cleaning too:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  11. Wow! Sounds like another exciting evening at the Furry Kids' house! Thanks for the tip about the ranch dressing. I wonder if it works for bunny furs...hmmmm.

  12. Good job...was the ranch dressing good? BOL
    Benny & Lily

  13. We think that pictures of the pizza night would be internet-crazy...

    Seriously, cats, pizza, Beins. Consider re-creatin it it fer photos!

  14. Hmm, we'll have to try that on Dennis ...

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