Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday is Hurl's Day

So while EG was teleporting around on the Hams of the Werld Tour, I helped him out by making sure that That Woman didn't even know he was gone. Last Thursday night, I stayed up all night long. It was awesome. I played jingle ball and squawked until 4 am. That Woman was super tired at work on Friday. heh heh

At least one time a day for the last few days, I have run outside. Especially at dusk when it's super hard to see my grey furs. Again. teh awesome. I have been threatened with a collar, but that ain't gonna happen - it would clash with my awesome cape.

I made sure to taste those
delicious, pink ears. Multiple times. It was especially fun when Titus had that hurty neck. It was like I was a giant jungle kitteh and he was a wounded wildebeest.

Finally, I got all jacked up and attacked Tazo. She screamed and screamed like a little girl and then, well, That Woman put me in a timeout. Twice. And then I had to listen to a lecture on how we are supposed to be nice to each other and blah blah blah.

Overall, it's been a super busy week. I'm glad EG's home now so that I can relax.



  1. Are you OK, Tazo? How are your ears, Titus? We're NOT Talking t you, HG.....

  2. Maybe woo should go live with Mr Hendrix AND his 'pal' Bendrix!

    I'll paw it again:


    Or woo WILL be talking to MY paw!

    PeeEssWoo: Hey Titus - please keep me posted on how woo are doing!

  3. Tazo ,Titus(HUGS).HG stop hurting them please!!!

  4. Oh noes! Not the delicious pink ears! Ahhhhhh!

  5. Oh, Hurl! Goodness, you have been very busy this week! Please give my love to Earl, and tell him that I am sending him worlds of whiskie kisses!

    Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.

  6. You have had a busy week HG. Sounds like you enjoyed yourself.


Thanks fur stopping by!