You might be thinking that you saw this picture a couple of weeks ago. But it's a new picture. Taken just last night. It's just that I'm refusing to look at Mama until some things change around here. First, we need her to be around more so that we can visit all of our friends. Second, we need her to cook something so that we can help her and hopefully something will fall into our mouths. Finally, we need her to buy that hot water thingy that will keep us from being zapped everytime she touches us. Oh, and it would be nice if she kept the house a few degrees warmer. Oh, and we'd really like it if she'd figure out how to use our blogroll. It's been horrible ever since she got rid of Blogrolling - she can't figure out how to help us visit our friends. She's just clueless. Oh, and I really wish that she'd stop calling me "Peck Peck." See, she thinks it's cute to leave the "S" off Speckle. It's not that cute. :sigh: Bert, do you want to come over today? I saved room on the couch arm.
Happy Tuesday!
I have had a slacker-Mommy lately too! They need to get the 'ol priorites straight!
ReplyDeleteTazo those are some very valid issues! I hope that your Mom gets with the program very soon.
ReplyDeletehello tazo its dennis the vizsla dog hay wen duz the picketing start??? i wil bring my own sine!!! ok bye
ReplyDeleteYou have to stay on that mom of yours...make sure she starts paying more attention to you...'cept for the peck-peck thing...what's up with that??
ReplyDeleteSince Titus is the brains of the bunch, I'm sure he khould be purrrrrsuaded to help!
Your butt rings out your message to Mom loud and clear there Tazo.
Peck Peck? What is with Moms and nicknames? Mom calls us BOTH Kittyboy. Shouldn't we each at least get our very own nicknames that we do not like and ignore?
ReplyDeleteMa has different nicknames for all of us. I somehow got saddled with "Sara-Beara." Humph.
ReplyDeleteI think "Peck Peck" is a cute name! Harley's middle name is Quinn (like harlequin), and my Mommie thinks it is funny to call him Quinto-bean.
ReplyDeleteYou should try using Google reader. We resisted using a feed reader for a long time, but once we switched we were so happy with the change. It's not as hard as it seems. There is a button "subscribe to this blog" you can add to your toolbar, and as you are visiting, just click on the button and it will be added to your feeds.
I'm on my way Tazo my sweet! Oh, and yeah, the Mommies are nothing but trouble lately!
That is quite a long list Tazo. I feel bad for you. Maybe a new mom for Christmas? Or maybe an ungrade of some sort?
ReplyDeleteI'd invite you here but my mom's hopeless also.Today she forgot to feed me my morning food.I was so mad I hide under the couch and made her beg me to come out.I tagged you for a meme please go to my blog and see.
ReplyDeleteYou can do it whenever you want so no rush :)
Hmmm, it sounds like you need to whip your mom into shape. Good luck with that.
Gosh, this must be some sort of virus... laziness and silly names.
ReplyDeletetazo, I suggest you continue to ignore until your demands are met!
Peck peck sounds just as silly as PiffPuffPrin, sheeesh
Glad to see you today, Tazo, though I like to see Titus on Friday too, but wow, my mom helped me come visit before Friday! whoo hoo!
These are good suggestions,
ReplyDeletemaybe your mommy is very busy recently.
Daisy is right, Google reader could help a bit, and don't worry~!!
I add you in my blog reader,
so I can read you since you post~!