Monday, November 3, 2008

Mancat Monday

Mancat Rule of the Day: It is very important to make sure that you still get up at the same time in morning, even though the time changes. And even though your The Mom keeps telling to you go back to sleep and that it's too early to get up, keep squawking and yelling and running up and down the hall so that even if she won't get out of bed to feed you, she won't be able to go back to sleep either. heh heh


  1. Yup! We did that. In fact, Gandalf did it extry loud!

    EG - may we just mention that your photo today is simply spectacular! Wow! What a gray mass of mancatlyness!

  2. We are doing the same thing. It's tons of fun!

  3. Yep, that is a very good mancat rule...

  4. We feel your pain EG! Breakfast has been late two days in a row now!!! That is unacceptable.

  5. That rule applies to young girlcats, too. Hihihi, an unisex rule!
    Purrs, Siena

  6. *grin*, Earl! I was SQUEEKING at Mom, trying to get her up, too. What a great rule! And what a handsome picture of you!

    Many, many whiskie kisses, cutiepie!

    Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.

  7. Yep, yep, yep - that is one important rule EG!

    Hiya Tazo!
    Did you have a good weekend? It bright and sunny here, lots of nice sunbeams to nap in - in fact, there are some good ones today too! Would you like to come ofurr and snuggle?

  8. See, that is the same here. The cats start carrying on and on and Maw is like, "Leave me alone!" But do they listen?????

    Luf, Us

  9. Ah, the joys of being a dog. Staying in bed with mom until she moves, hee hee. I can even stay in bed without her!


  10. Glad to hear we are all on the same page on this issue!

    Great photo!

    Purrs Goldie

  11. Jake did that, it was funny to see him get turned down fer food! ha ha ha

  12. Whimpurr would be "ok" with that but Daddy has to get up too early for work so he might not appreciate that logic! ;o)

  13. We are *so* with you on this one!

    ~Donny, Marie, Casey

  14. Well, we can't complain, mom got up as soon as we woke her and fed us. We can complain dat she left right after dat tho.

  15. I don't get Mom up, but I tell her when it's bedtime. Like, now! We like sleepin in on Mom. She says we's a bad inflooance but we's just good kittehs!

  16. That is a fun game to play!
    Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

  17. HAHA we did it too! 5am 3 kitties marching across her & dads heads & all around the mattress, meowing & meowing!! It worked too!

  18. What an excellent alarm clock you make. Bet your mom wishes she could "set" you to the correct time she wants to get up!


Thanks fur stopping by!