Monday, August 16, 2010

Mancat Monday

Here is a progress report on the litter box room renovation. It is not done. heh heh Dad and The Mom still have no shower and we had a real bad case of The Hots here in the Mitten State this weekend.  The Mom was super cranky about it.  I don't know what the big deal is - you can just lick yourself and be done with it. Who needs water?

This picture is from Saturday.  It's coming along, but I'm still wishing it was GREY - the best color in the world.

Here is a snoopervisory picture of me.  Please note the thin set, grout, and drill behind me.  Pretty mancatly, eh?  The Mom says my pose is super mancatly, too.  She says I look like a stud muffin.  And then she tried to scritch my belly.  Um, no. 

Anyway, I gotta get back to snoopervising.  We'll keep you guys updated. 


  1. It looks like it is coming along just fine. Better yet let mom borrow your scratch post to get rid of her crankiness.
    Happee day
    Benny & LiLy

  2. Lots of work to snoopervize something like that! I think ours might be going in that direction... Not sure I like that idea though... sigh.

  3. It looks like you are doing a great job snoopervising! And tell your mom not to worry that your litterbox room isn't done - our mom's isn't done yet and it started over a year ago! It looks pretty good so far to us, and you do look very mancatly in that picture!

  4. Earl, you look like a tough task master. You need a hard hat.

  5. Nice litterbox room! And very mancatly pose, there!

  6. You should be a model on HGTV! That room is going to look great when done.

  7. EG, We think your Mom has it right--Mister Stud Muffin!
    Mommy says your litterbox room looks like it's coming along nicely. And the lick baths--Beans just are NOT flexible enough...too bad for them!

  8. You sure are doing a good job of snoopervising, EG! But you need to get them back to work and finish the job!

  9. Hmm, the Bein litterbox looks kinna fancy, so they are probly concerned about gettin it ta look "just right".

    They will get over it eventually.

  10. Looks like you're doing such a good job that we think you should up your snoopervising fee.

  11. My mommy says she is impressed.

    I say I'm impressed by the mancatly EG pose.


Thanks fur stopping by!