Monday, August 30, 2010

Mancat Monday

Mancat Rule of the Day:  It is very manly to help your The Mom with the laundry. 

Friday, August 27, 2010

Froot Bat Friday

Mom's had a couple of super busy days, so I didn't have to endure any "gimme some frooooot baaaaaat!" On the other hand, she also forgot that today is Froot Bat Friday, so there are no new photos of my delicious, pink ears.  Sorry! She's just out of control lately. 

Remember our Wordless Wednesday post where the twins were all 'nipped out?  Well, the next night, this is what happened.

He's not that askeery when he's all mellow.  Check this one out - I'm even letting him touch me.

Yesterday, we wented to see the cat shrink - and why do *I* have to go see the *cat* shrink - I'm a dawg! behaviorist for a check up on how we're doing.  She's really happy with our progress.  Mom was worried because her and EG haven't been doing so great on getting him to come to his spot on the counter when she says his cue word.  But Dr D said that what sort of evolved out of her trying to do the cue word stuff works just fine, ie. we *all* get "redirected" and come running when she opens the fridge door.  Well, duh, Mom - there's food in there and that's where you keep the treats (which we've been getting a lot of - wahoo!).  So she said she's happy with how we're behaving and we don't have to go back for six months.  But she said that Mom and Dad have to be super vigilant in the spring because April is crazy cat month here in the Mitten State.  Dr D said that she always gets a ton of calls from cat parents as soon as the weather starts warming up, even cats who've been doing great for years. Great, just great. Mom says I don't have to worry about that - we'll be prepared for next year.

In other news, my pal Mick is feeling lots better and I'm super happy.  We were super worried about my whitester pal there for a bit.  But he's doing lots better and we're super thankful for that.

So, I'm sorry about the lack of Froot Bats this week, but Mom promises to make up for it next week.   Have a great weekend, everybuddy!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tazo Tuesday

Here I am, taking a snooze on the cable box.

Here I am, after Mama started SQUEE-ing.  She says I look like I need a cup of coffee.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mancat Monday

The small hyooman that's been hanging around my house lately brought over these cool toys. They are called ZhuZhu Pets.  I highly recommend them.  Here I am checking them out:

They are super cool and fun to stalk.  See that round, blue thing by my head?  It's a hamster wheel.  That was my favorite part.  The ZhuZhu Pet runs and runs in that thing, but never goes any where, so you can just sit there and bat at it.  If we ever get a hamster-like thing in our house, I'll be ready to take care of bizness.

That small hyooman also tried talking The Mom into getting us a fish.  He pretty much had her convinced.  Now we just have to work on Dad...

Mancat Rule of the Day:  Small hyoomans can come in handy. 

Friday, August 20, 2010

Froot Bat Friday

First of all, it's been a really sad week around the Blogosphere.  We lost lots of furriends and lots of furriends aren't feeling too well either.  Mom and I were talking about how we're lucky to be involved in such a pawsome community of furriends.  We're there to celebrate the good stuff, but we also pull together during sad or scary times.  It means so much to know that there are furriends out there purring and purraying for you when things are rough. 

Today's Froot Bat Friday is dedicated to our furriend, Luxor.  He was my Froot Bat inspiration.  He was the one who taught me all about Froot Bats and then introduced me to the other original Froot Bat, Kaze.  I always felt a special connection to Luxor, because we're both pink and white and Froot Batty.  We're going to miss you, Lux.  

So here, buddy, this one's for you. 


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thirsty Thursday

Mama loves when I drink like this.  That's Titus' table (our Papa made it for him because of his neck problems - so he doesn't have to bend down to eat or drink).  EG and I usually share a bowl of water on the floor (if you're wondering why we don't get our own table, well, we wonder about that, too!), but Mama was moving stuff around and there was only one water bowl out.  When you're super thirsty, you gotta do what you gotta do.  Notice how my back right leg is propped up on the table?  I've done that ever since I was a baby kitten (Titus used to have a shorter table).  Mama love love loves it.  If you think there was some SQUEE-ing going on, you would be right.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tazo Tuesday

Here I am, snoozing with Daddy this morning.  Hiding under the bed from the litterbox room renovation takes a lot out of a kitteh.  I even had to add a couple of extra naps into my schedule.  This construction bizness is tough!

In other news, Mama and Daddy discovered this show.  They say that it hits awful close to home, but makes them giggle a lot.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mancat Monday

Here is a progress report on the litter box room renovation. It is not done. heh heh Dad and The Mom still have no shower and we had a real bad case of The Hots here in the Mitten State this weekend.  The Mom was super cranky about it.  I don't know what the big deal is - you can just lick yourself and be done with it. Who needs water?

This picture is from Saturday.  It's coming along, but I'm still wishing it was GREY - the best color in the world.

Here is a snoopervisory picture of me.  Please note the thin set, grout, and drill behind me.  Pretty mancatly, eh?  The Mom says my pose is super mancatly, too.  She says I look like a stud muffin.  And then she tried to scritch my belly.  Um, no. 

Anyway, I gotta get back to snoopervising.  We'll keep you guys updated. 

Monday, August 9, 2010

Mancat Monday

It was a busy weekend around Casa de Furry Kids.  Dad and The Mom decided to rip apart our litter box room.  Litter-ally. heh heh  So I had to spend almost all of the weekend snoopervising.  Here's some proof of all of the hard work I did over the weekend.

Tile and grout inspection.  It's not grey, but it's not pink and delicious either.  It'll do, I guess.


Here I am inspecting the moisture barrier.  I gotta make sure that it's put in the right way.  You don't want any leaks or anything.

This picture made The Mom start yelling and wondering if the screen was in the window. (It was.) heh heh

I had to stop in the middle to take a break. Snoopervising is very hard work.

Mancat Rule of the Day:  Snoopervising is very exhausting.  It is very important to make sure that you're well rested.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Froot Bat Friday

Here I am, looking for the weekend.  Mom says she's ready for it. 

Happy Weekend, Everybuddy!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thinking on Thursday

Mama was plukhing on Titus again last night.  He is getting very tired of it, but she keeps finding little places that are plukhable.  Check out what she found last night.  This is from his neck furs - it's curly.  Maybe he's part curly cat like Daisy, Pierro, and Miles. hee hee

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Mancat Monday

On Saturday, we turned five years old.  Dad and The Mom gave us some vanilla ice cream.  It was pretty nommy.  The Mom gotted all gooshy and stuff and kept saying, "Remember when they were ten week old, three pound little babies?  And now they're all grown up?"  Sometimes she can be soooo dramatical.

In other news, The Mom's spring cleaning in well, it's August now, still isn't going that great.  I tried to help her, but I'm really starting to think this might be hopeless.  I think she should be done by now, but it's still not looking good.  At the rate she's going, it'll be spring again and she'll still be working on it. :sigh:  Snoopervising is such hard work.