Friday, May 28, 2010

Froot Bat Friday

I got a treat! I got a treat! I got a treat!  It was yummy.  Dad and I split an oatmeal cookie from Trader Joe's.  He took his bites first for some reason.  Please excuse the bits of paper and cardboard that are scattered around my feets.  Mom interrupted a rousing game of Shred Everything in Sight.  Grrrrr.
Have a great weekend, everybuddy!  Hope it's a frooty one!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What the Paw?!?!?! Wednesday

Trying to sleep here, Mom.  Trying to sleep.

You wonder what we do all day.  We think you've got your answer.  And no, you may not have the remote.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tattletail Tuesday

This is me first thing in the morning.  While I may look rough, I do not look nearly as bad as Mama before she has her coffee. And I don't have bed head either.  hee hee

Every morning, when Mama leaves for work, she kisses us all goodbye and bribes gives Titus a treat to lure him into the bedroom with Daddy so that he doesn't do any competitive eating before Daddy gets up.  He would rather lay on the couch and watch TV, but Mama doesn't trust him alone in the mornings for some reason. hee hee

Last week, we ran out of dawg treats, so Titus has been getting kitteh treats, (but don't tell him.)  Since Titus gets kitteh treats in the morning now, Mama lets EG and I split one, too. (Yes, we SPLIT a kitteh treat and we are not happy about it.  Those things are SMALL!)  For the first couple of mornings, all three of us would run into the kitchen and dance around and squawk and Mama would dole out the treats.  For the last few mornings, EG and Titus run into the kitchen and get their treats, while I stay in bed.  Mama feels guilty that the boys got a treat and I didn't, so now she brings it right to me and I get to have it in bed.  I think I might have trained her and it didn't even really take that long.  I just had to put my cuteness (with some purring thrown in) to work.  hee hee

Monday, May 24, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Froot Bat Friday

No "gimme some frooooot baaaaaat."  No "looooook at meeeeee."  No treats either. I was just hanging out, having a pretty good nap, and then all of a sudden, there was a camera in my face.  I'm thinking somemom's pizza isn't safe tonight.

Happy Weekend, everybuddy!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday is Hurl's Day

The Dad noticed during my mani-pedi last night that I am missing a dew clawr.  There are several theories about how it might have happened.  I am refusing to answer any questions.  

In other news, I absconded with a bread stick the other night.  I took it under the bed to my lair.  When That Woman attempted to retrieve it, I growled at her.  She was definitely afraid.  I may or may not have traded it for a small piece of bacon, but we'll just leave it at that.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What the Paw?!?! Wednesday

Just in case you were wondering, that is not *my* paw you see under my chin.  What the paw?!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tazo Tuesday

A comfy brother is a good brother.  Here I am taking an after-dinner bath on Titus.  Mama giggled a little because I was laying on the back of the couch and then I slithered down the cushion on my back until I was cozied up next to Titus.  He didn't even move.  Notice how relaxed the froot bats look.  That is because they are not in any danger.  Because I do not chomp them.  The End.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mancat Monday

This is mine.  First, for 'tocks-warming purposes.  Then for nomming.  I'll save you a crust. Maybe. Eh, on second thought, probably not.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Froot Bat Friday

It's Friday!  Mom thought these were pretty good.  NO TREAT, but no "gimme some froooooot baaaaaat" either.  Though she did say, "Looooook at meeeeeee."  Which is sort of similar to, and exactly like "gimme some froooooot baaaaaat."  On second thought, I think putting up with that deserved a treat. :sigh:

Happy Weekend, everybuddy!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thinking on Thursday

So last night, Mom and Dad went here to see the Stripey Motor City Kittehs:

And they did not bring us any of this (supposedly because it had onions, blah, blah, blah):

Or any of this (and they KNOW how much Tazo loves nachos):

We are sort of thinking that maybe we don't feel so bad for staying up all night last night and RAWRing and playing THoE and rassling on the bed while Mom was trying to sleep. For some reason, Mom's real tired today. hehe

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What the Paw?!?! Wednesday

Those roaming cats have been walking all over Dad's car.  Dad is not that happy about it.  Mom kinda thought it was funny.  Until she looked out and saw this:


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mancat Monday

The Mom had a rough weekend - we saw those roaming cats again, especially the tomcat that hisses me off the most - so we pulled a picture out of the archives for today.
The Mom likes this picture because she says it shows my softer side, whatever that means.  For some reason, she seems to gaze at it lots when HG is around.  Whatever.

Mancat Rule of the Day:  Sometimes it is manlier to just let your The Mom have her way by embarrassing you on the internets.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Froot Bat Friday

One shot, one treat.  It kinda worked out for both of us.

Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

This Thursday is Not Hurl's Day

Tazo is not the only one who likes the new bed.  It's really quite comfy. The only problem is that I like to burrow inside and The Mom freaks out that I'll suffocate, so she's always ripping holes in the plastic.  It totally ruins the burrowing effect.
You guys should check out one of these beds.  I hear they're not that hard to find. In fact, you might even have one in your house right now.

 In other news, please check out Skeezix's link.  It's plucking season for some dawgs and we think this is a great way to use those furs for a good cause.  If any of our furriends in the DWB don't mind, would you please pass this along?  Thank you!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tazo Tuesday

EG is not the only one who can get a squee out of Mama.  Except I do not have nefarious plots other plans for her.  I just like to cuddle and purr.  That is all.  Oh, and please excuse the dawg licking his leg in the background. hee hee
Happy Tuesday!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mancat Monday

Mancat Rule of the Day:  Sometimes you got to throw your The Mom a bone.  Like right here, I'm all cuddled up on her and getting snoozy.  There was lots of squeeing over this.  Once she let her guard down, the time was right for chomping on skinny dawg ankles and giving her a little bunnykick. heh heh