Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Titus on Tuesday

Somedawg suggested that since there was a lack of froot bats on Friday there should be a Titus Week or something. Mom thought that was a pretty good idea (FINALLY!).

This picture was made by Miss Ann, Maggie, & Zoey over at Zoolatry.  I think they did a terrific job on my Froot Bats, don't you?  Mom was going to post this for Halloween, but, well, EG filled you in on how she "fixed" our internets so our Halloween post didn't work out so well.

I've got lots to fill you in on this week since I didn't get to post hardly at all last week, so stay tuned.
Happy Titus Tuesday!


  1. Somedawg is happy to see woo and your festive froooooootbats!

    Happy Titus Tuesday!

    PeeEssWoo: So will tomorrow be Whitedawg Whednesday ;-)

  2. Titus - now THOSE are truly frootbat ears!!! AND they deserve lots of treats.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  3. That is a totally cool photo, Titus, and what a great day, named after you. Lucky promises not to gnaw on your ears. I can't promise not to get into trouble, but I can promise not to gnaw on your ears either.


  4. Happy Titus Tuesday! Great froot bats! They suit you well.


Thanks fur stopping by!